Our Recent Client project

Checkout our recent app project that we build for our client.

  • Coupon Management APP

    Coupon Management APP

    Shop owner can easily manage coupon promotions.

  • I BANK

    I BANK

    Financial education app for kids ages 4-7

  • AI-powered body shape analysis app

    AI-powered body shape analysis app

    Use AI to analyze your body shape to check your alignment.

  • AI-based English conversation app

    AI-based English conversation app

    An English conversation app that shows you the correct pronunciation with AI

  • Point Management App

    Point Management App

    You can easily manage point between branches & customers

  • Cleaning Factory ERP System

    Cleaning Factory ERP System

    Our Client(SERO Corporation) could save operation cost by 40%

Reviews by Client

Why Potential has a 90% retention rate

  • Amazing Quiety template!

    Appropriately negotiate interactive niches rather orchestrate scalable benefits whereas flexible systems. Objectively grow quality outsourcing without vertical methods of empowerment. Assertively negotiate just in time innovation after client-centered thinking.

    Jon Doe CEO of Scater
  • Amazing Quiety template!

    Appropriately negotiate interactive niches rather orchestrate scalable benefits whereas flexible systems. Objectively grow quality outsourcing without vertical methods of empowerment. Assertively negotiate just in time innovation after client-centered thinking.

    Jon Doe CEO of Scater